Indicreme is a 100% natural, always compounded, never infused like others, topical cream formula with cannabidiol (CBD) from American-grown organic hemp. Includes our new 22-blend Botanical Fusion P/S089®, menthol, and emu oil, IndiCREME absorbs quickly by gently massaging skin and goes to work immediately!
Beeswax, Aloe Vera Juice, Coconut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Orange Oil, Emu Oil, Arnica Montana Oil, White Willow Bark, Tea Tree Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Lecithin, Ginseng, Lanolin Oil, CBD Oil, Menthol, Camphor Oil, Ginger Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Rosemary Oil, Xanthan, Magnesium Oil
FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) DISCLOSURE: These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease. Nothing on this website is intended as medical advice. LEGAL DISCLOSURE: Sootheen, Inc. does not distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). Cannabidiol is a natural constituent of hemp oil. All ingredients including legal sources of cbd are obtained without the use of chemicals and contain no class 1 substances. Dose size and frequency of use should be determined by a licensed medical practitioner. Consult your qualified licensed medical professional for recommended use. MSDS, Disclamer and Certificate of Analysis are available per request.